How do people manage their inventory of servers? [closed]

I want to know different kinds of practices that people are using to manage inventory of servers. What I mean by inventory of servers is basically database that tracks basic information of servers such as hostname, OS type, management ip address.

A Few solutions that I can think

  • Spreadsheet
  • Microsoft Access

What are other solutions? What is the pro and con of these solutions?

Solution 1:

It's very simple, use a software that can do that for you, from my experience on the matter, I've used GLPI, it got all the details you might need and more.

You can enter all the details about the server for example RAM, CPU, DISK ect. and add a reference id to it, what network configuration it has, who uses that server.

You can create users accounts to alert if something is wrong with their computer by submitting a support ticket, the admin will notified by email so he can answer right away or fix the problem. and you will have all the history of the problems related to the computer.

GLPI is free open source software, it has a simple web interface that makes it easy even for non technical to use it.