Nagios Server Unreachable

I have set up a machine with Centos 7 and installed Nagios from the EPEL repository successfully. Using Lynx (command line browser) I can access the Nagios server running on the machine but it says that the browser must support frames, something Lynx does not do. Now, my issue is when trying to access the server from any other machine in the same LAN. While the machine the server is on in pingable, every request just times out. Also, the requests do not generate any new lines in the access_log and error_log of the apache. Apart from the Nagios service, the same happens when I try to access an index.html file I made as a test on that server (this test file is also accessible from within Lynx locally). I have not tampered with the *.conf files of the apache or the one that Nagios installed. Please help.


Here is the httpd.conf and the nagios.conf


As per the request from @MadHatter here is the output from the windows cmd telnet utility:\

Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 80: Connect failed


This is the output from iptables -L:



This is the output from iptables -L -n -v:


You have a highly-restrictive (and unnecessarily-complex) set of firewall rules running on that system, which don't currently permit HTTP connections inbound. Try

iptables -A IN_public_allow -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

If this is, as I suspect, a multi-interface system, and you only want to allow connections on the internal NIC, add -i nicX to the above command, replacing nicX by the logical name of your internal interface (see the output of ifconfig -a, or ip addr show, for more details).