Dropbox opens each time I plug in removable media

Every time I plug in removable media Dropbox opens and this window comes up. I only ever want dropbox to open if it's manually started by the user. I have unchecke preferences > settings > start with computer but it still seems to startup for random reasons.screenshot

Solution 1:


Disable camera uploads

  • Click the Dropbox icon in the system tray.
  • Click the gear icon
  • Select Preferences….
  • Click Change AutoPlay Settings from the Camera Upload section.
  • AutoPlay settings will appear in a new window.

To disable camera uploads, click the menu next to the camera, phone, or other media device and select Take no action

Solution 2:

So this irritated me for a long while and I finally spent the time to figure it out. I went into Control Panel -> autoplay and then found a couple of entries that I changed the default action for: control panel->autoplay