New posts in algebraic-geometry

Show a scheme is integral if and only if it is irreducible and reduced.

Software for solving geometry questions

To what extent is a scheme morphism determined by its topological map?

Hilbert polynomial Twisted cubic

Advice: Algebra and category theory for geometry?

What is the geometric meaning of representability?

Why isn't every finite locally free morphism etale?

Proving coefficients of a polynomial form a subvariety

Algebraic geometry in representation theory?

Positivity of a quartic form

Example of an ample line bundle $L$ with $L^{\otimes m}$ very ample and $L^{\otimes (m+1)}$ not very ample

Can an algebraic variety be described as a category, in the same way as a group?

dimension of a vector space seen as a variety

Why do we need prime ideals in the spectrum of a ring?

What's the difference between cohomology theories of varieties and topological spaces

Local-Global Principle and the Cassels statement.

The group $E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ has exactly $p+1$ elements

What is the dimension of this Grassmannian?

There is a unique quadric through three disjoint lines

Tetrahedron inequality