New posts in adverbs

When and how did "pretty" enter English as an intensifying adverb?

The use of "real" in the following cases [duplicate]

"Like something more" or "like something better"

Should I use a hyphen after -ly when modifying a verb in the past participle verb?

Adverb phrase or prepositional phrase? [duplicate]

We say entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, what is the verb?

"A bit" vs. "a little bit" vs. "a little"

Are focusing adverbs exceptions of adverb definitions?

Using short adjectives as adverbs, such as "easy" & "short"

Difference between 'such as' and 'like'

"Firstly" or "first"?

Correct usage of "parallel" versus "in parallel" versus "parallelly"

Adverbs position in English: “place–manner–time” or “manner–place–time”?

"Can easily be" vs. "can be easily" — what's the difference?

How do I properly hyphenate "well thought out"?

Is "now" a "preposition"?

Is there any other way you can "wax" as you do when you "wax philosophical"?

"Backward" versus "backwards" -- is there any difference?

Heavily raining or Raining heavily?

What are the historical processes of preposition coining in English?