New posts in adverbs

What does the adverb as modify in this sentence?

Is this a correct way to use the word "however"? [closed]

Position of the adverb "of course"

When to use words quite, rather, pretty, fairly etc: degree of downtoning

An adverb for when you're not exaggerating

Difference between "partly" and "partially"

Which one is correct "et al.’s" or "et al."?

"I'm home" or "I'm at home"

Speak Slower or Speak Slowlier?

Adverbs modifying nouns?

Is 'there' an adverb or a preposition? (Or something else entirely!?)

What exactly does "already" mean when used in the imperative mood?

Can "already" be used after a simple past verb in American English?

Why are 'at least' and 'a lot' not single words?

In the phrase, "it better be good", what part of speech is ”better”?

How do you say "in all directions" in a single word?

Difference between "less" and "lesser"? [closed]

Should there be a comma before "though" when it occurs at the end of a sentence?

Adverb-adjective compound premodifier with or without hyphen?

About using "only" with present perfect