New posts in x86

How to print a character in Linux x86 NASM?

Weird performance effects from nearby dependent stores in a pointer-chasing loop on IvyBridge. Adding an extra load speeds it up?

What is an assembly-level representation of pushl/popl %esp?

How to multiply a register by 37 using only 2 consecutive leal instructions in x86?

Trial-division code runs 2x faster as 32-bit on Windows than 64-bit on Linux

Why is std::fill(0) slower than std::fill(1)?

Why is Windows 32-bit called Windows x86 and not Windows x32? [closed]

Why not store function parameters in XMM vector registers?

How does a mutex lock and unlock functions prevents CPU reordering?

What are the segment and offset in real mode memory addressing?

x86_64 ASM - maximum bytes for an instruction?

Why does Windows 7 x64 work faster than an x86 edition on my PC?

How to generate assembly code with clang in Intel syntax?

What was the original reason for the design of AT&T assembly syntax?

What does the dollar sign ($) mean in x86 assembly when calculating string lengths like "$ - label"? [duplicate]

Is using double faster than float?

Which is a better write barrier on x86: lock+addl or xchgl?

Is there a way to get gcc to output raw binary?

Argument order to std::min changes compiler output for floating-point

Loop unrolling to achieve maximum throughput with Ivy Bridge and Haswell