New posts in 32-bit

How to fake OS bit version check on some software

Will running Windows 32-bit virtual machine on 64-bit Windows 7 fix this issue?

Where can I download old 32 bit Ver of WMWare Player for Linux Host [closed]

Confused over Mac Pro 1.1 EFI firmware 32 vs 64 bit: patch firmware or OS installer?

Why can't I launch telnet.exe from a Windows 8 command prompt?

Is my machine 32 bit or 64 bit?

Firefox not detecting Flash 11

How to compile 32-bit executable on 64 bit system

where is the 32 bit ubuntu snappy core image

Ubuntu 32 or 64 bit [duplicate]

What's a good rule-of-thumb for choosing between Windows 32 bit and 64 bit?

Check if Kubuntu is running on 64bit or 32bit machine

Run an application only compatible with 32-bit on 64-bit machine

Processor, OS : 32bit, 64 bit

How can I make Ubuntu run well (including with wifi) on a 32-bit machine?

Is it possible to burn a 64-bit Ubuntu Live CD on a 32-bit computer?

How to trick programs into thinking they're running under 32-bit?

How to install afpfs-ng in Ubuntu 20.04?

How to force usage of 64-bit cscript.exe?

Check if unmanaged DLL is 32-bit or 64-bit?