New posts in word-usage

Is the usage of 'with' right?

From patriotic chauvinism to male chauvinism

Is "my place" correct and common in British English?

Is "fleabag" as a derogatory term for an unpleasantly dirty person a Britishism?

How to use rendezvous in its singular and plural forms?

Correct usage for "bad" v. "poor" adjectives

Common ways to tell the time

Is the usage "multiple logistic regression analysis" correct?

is it correct "go off" is "stop liking something"?

"as follows" vs "as the following"

Generate invoice "against" or "for" a sale order?

Does "I like my new car" express a permanent or temporary state?

Can you "regret" someone else's action?

Word for shaking elbows (Covid-19 pandemic)

What is the practical difference between “ignorant” and “naïve”?

Is logicalness a valid word and if not what word can be used instead?

Is it squash, or is it squish? [closed]

What's the difference between "if" and "whether"? [duplicate]

How to use the word "petrichor" in a sentence? [closed]

Subject pronoun or object pronoun in a particular case?