is it correct "go off" is "stop liking something"?

Solution 1:

The phrasal verb 'go off' has a number of meanings (list here), and I would choose this one:

to suddenly become angry and start shouting

Macmillan Dictionary

Solution 2:

You say the song has lyrics “like” below, which means it is similar to but not exactly the same as below. Nevertheless, I assume that you mean the lyrics are exactly as shown below. The phrase “going off” then probably means that she is complaining forcefully about what was said. It parallels “sounding off”, which is when someone talks forcefully about something.

Your dictionary is incomplete. It is only giving you the other meaning. “My girlfriend is going off me” means she does not like me as much as she used to. “She has gone off me” means she used to like me but now does not