New posts in window-manager

What desktop environments can group window icons in the taskbar like Windows 7?

How to get Windows XP to snap windows to desktop like Vista?

RedQuits (or alternative) on Mac OS X 10.10

Windows 7 resize shortcuts to Mac OS X

Keyboard shortcut for cascading multiple windows of same application in macOs

Prevent Unity from auto-maximizing [duplicate]

What is the lightest desktop interface for ubuntu and is Unity-2d classified as a 'light' interface?

What different WM's are available on ubuntu? [closed]

Remember last window location

Ubuntu 16.04 tile windows no longer working

Are there any tiling window managers compatible with Unity3D?

Why does "lxsession&" via "ssh -X" make Ubuntu look different even after disconnecting?

Just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and can't use compiz grid window resize commands?

Create keyboard shortcuts to move windows to different monitors without Compiz

Is there a Linux window manager that allows separate virtual desktops (workspaces) on separate monitors? [closed]

How can I use Unity 2d with another window manager besides Metacity?

Can I minimize a window into a box on Unity?

Force windows to be maximized but not fullscreen?

Browser instead of window manager?

Is there a way to disable minimising windows with the yellow button in OS X?