How can I use Unity 2d with another window manager besides Metacity?

How can I use Unity 2d with another window manager besides Metacity? (like openbox forexample)

You can add compiz --replace to your startup applications. Restart your session (Log out, and then back in again) and you'll now be using Compiz.

A similar action will be used for openbox. I think it's openbox --replace

To make changes permamnent, You'll have to edit unity session file. Here's short guide for Unity2d and openbox:

Install openbox:

  1. sudo apt-get install openbox
  2. Optionally install additional packages (in my case these were installed as dependencies): sudo apt-get install obconf openbox-themes
  3. Edit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/2d-ubuntu.session file and replace:

    DefaultProvider-windowmanager=metacity with
  4. Logout, login (with Unity 2d session).
  5. Run obconf, choose some nice theme (my was found on and changed a little) and configure buttons position.