How do I change the command that a launcher item launches? [duplicate]
While I couldn't find the shortcuts, we can use the .local/share/applications
You can create a file this way:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/myskype.desktop
Then paste something like this into it:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=My Skype Exec=env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib32/libv4l/" skype Terminal=false X-MultipleArgs=false Type=Application Icon=skype Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network; StartupWMClass=Skype StartupNotify=true X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=NewWindow; [NewWindow Shortcut Group] Name=Open a New Window Exec=env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib32/libv4l/" skype TargetEnvironment=Unity
Save and exit.
I suspect you can edit the file /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop Make a backup copy first. You probably need to edit the line that reads Exec=skype to include the changes you want.
[Edit] Just tried this for myself and the syntax for .desktop files doesn't allow the = sign in the Exec command so you may need to create a shell script with your command in and point the Exec line at that.
Here is some background about the .desktop files: