New posts in vocabulary

A word for something between a "Job" and "Hobby"

Correct or Incorrect? "Iterate on"

Why does 'lowdown' mean 'the true facts and the relevant information'?

What's a more polite word for 'boring' or 'not interesting'?

I understand the meaning of the phrase "passive aggressive", but I'm having difficulty interpreting what it means in the following context:

Inversion of Spiritual Successor

What's the difference between feeling nauseated and feeling detestable?

A word or words to describe the relationship between humanity and the natural world

pleat vs crease

Square is to rectangle as cube is to ...? [closed]

Do you use both my home and our home to your friends?

What does RSD mean?

What could a part of path of URL be called?

What do you call it when the current generation thinks the previous is better/more poetic?

Word for a person who likes to argue

I am looking for a word for an abstainer from red meat

What is the correct term for "2" vs "two"? [closed]

Should I use the word "raise" or "grow" for animals?

On vs over (is using "on" wrong here?)

In AE, is "tin" used instead of "can" to designate an eco friendly BPA free can of sardines?