What's a more polite word for 'boring' or 'not interesting'?
I can't find the "suitable" words that I can directly say to a person higher in position than me (like my English teacher). I want to be polite, but also say the truth :/
I would suggest "not engaging." It seems to me to take some of the weight off of the teacher by implicitly acknowledging the audience as part of the interaction. A perfectly good lecture may fail to engage and earn constructive criticism without implying a substantive shortcoming in the teacher.
(Of course, offense is often in the delivery and that part is up to you.)
Dry would be a pretty good choice as it is not a purely negative way of describing something that while informative, is not especially attractive in style. From Merriam-Webster:
12 a: not showing or communicating warmth, enthusiasm, or tender feeling : SEVERE
a dry style of painting
dry passages of description
a dry lecturer
c: lacking embellishment : PLAIN
14: marked by matter-of-fact, ironic, or terse manner of expression
a dry wit
has a very dry sense of humor