New posts in vector-bundles

When does a SES of vector bundles split?

Vector Bundle Over Contractible Manifold

What's the intuition behind the tangent bundle?

Thom isomorphism for generalized cohomology theories.

$d_{\nabla}^2u = F_{\nabla}\circ u$?

Properties of the category of smooth vector bundles over a smooth manifold

How a principal bundle and the associated vector bundle determine each other

"Drawable" Examples of Vector Bundles

Are there any simply connected parallelizable 4-manifolds?

Why is the tangent bundle defined using a disjoint union?

The Stiefel-Whitney classes of a tangent bundle as a manifold

What do the fibers of the double tangent bundle look like?

Why can we always take the zero section of a vector bundle?

An example of a triple $(E,\pi,M)$ which is not a vector bundle

Is the space of smooth sections of a vector bundle finitely generated as a $C^\infty$-module?

If a line bundle and its dual both have a section (on a projective variety) does this imply that the bundle is trivial?

Any example of manifold without global trivialization of tangent bundle

Why is the Sasaki metric natural?

Global Trivialization of $M\oplus M$

Quick question: Chern classes of Sym, Wedge, Hom, and Tensor