New posts in transcendental-equations

Global Minimum of $f(a) = \int _{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp\left(-|x|^a\right)dx, a\in(0,\infty)$

How to solve equations with logarithms, like this: $ ax + b\log(x) + c=0$

All positive solutions of $\tan x=x$

Solve equation $\exp(ax)+\exp(bx)=1$

Solving base e equation $e^x - e^{-x} = 0$

How do I solve this exponential equation? $5^{x}-4^{x}=3^{x}-2^{x}$ [closed]

Transcendental equations involving more than 2 terms

How to solve this equation for x? $0 = (x+k)e^{-(x+k)^2}+(x-k)e^{-(x-k)^2}$

Is it possible to prove the positive root of the equation ${^4}x=2$, $x=1.4466014324...$ is irrational?

Algorithm for calculating real, positive roots of transcendental equation involving tangens

How to solve $\upsilon^\upsilon=\upsilon+1$

Solve $-B \ln y -A y \ln y + A y- A =0$ for $y$

A curious equation containing an integral $\int_0^{\pi/4}\arctan\left(\tan^x\theta\right)d\theta=\frac{\ln2\cdot\ln x}{16}$

Find a number $x$ such that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{n^x}{2^n n!} = \frac{1539}{64}e^{1/2}$

Lambert W function with rational polynomial

Is the positive root of the equation $x^{x^x}=2$, $x=1.47668433...$ a transcendental number?

Differentiating both sides of a non-differential equation

How to solve Kepler's equation $M=E-\varepsilon \sin E$ for $E$?

The positive root of the transcendental equation $\ln x-\sqrt{x-1}+1=0$

Trigonometric/polynomial equations and the algebraic nature of trig functions