New posts in tiling

Convex polygons that do not tile the plane individually, but together they do

How to install x-tile on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS?

Window tiling (Move-to-{corner,side}) shortcuts in Ubuntu 13.04

How many colors are necessary for a rectangle to never cover a color more than once?

Xubuntu tiling: how to maximize terminal window for partial tiling?

Tiling pentominoes into a 5x5x5 cube

Tiling a square with rectangles

Proof a $2^n$ by $2^n$ board can be filled using L shaped trominoes and 1 monomino

how to generate tessellation cells using the Poincare disk model?

Why a tesselation of the plane by a convex polygon of 7 or more sides is not possible?

On existence of boards that be covered by every free tetromino

Algorithm to get the maximum size of n squares that fit into a rectangle with a given width and height

Dividing a square into equal-area rectangles

How few disks are needed to cover a square efficiently?

How few $(42^\circ,60^\circ,78^\circ)$ triangles can an equilateral triangle be divided into?

The Scutoid, a new shape

Tiling a square with 3:1 rectangles

Can any number of squares sum to a square?

Can squares of infinite area always cover a unit square?

Can a row of five equilateral triangles tile a big equilateral triangle?