New posts in syntactic-analysis

In the sentence "Go help yourself", is 'yourself' both the direct object and the subject?

Adjective order with dead & pregnant

Framing of a sentence

Order of phrases after verb: Prefer "share with you X" or "share X with you"?

Two consecutive sentences that begin with in

Regarding Sentence Formation?

what's the structure of a sentence

Why is it “objections to moving”, not “objections to move”? [closed]

The reason and meaning of repeating

Avoiding use of "who" while maintaining proper syntax

Word being modified by whose

Better way of saying "in order to demonstrate this"

Is this question ambiguous?

Do complex sentences always need a conjunction? [closed]

Can one use " at least..."?

What's a word or phrase to describe the discovery of something startlingly obvious?

Is "or and" equivalent to "and or"? [closed]

Is this sentence from Andrew Carnegie ambiguous? [duplicate]

Another way to say "I didn't see you"?

"hadn't have killed" vs "hadn't killed"