New posts in syntactic-analysis

Using "as" instead of "that" (I don't know as this is valid)

Is there any difference between "admit something" and "admit to something"?

Usage of "Not" with "And" [closed]

Word order for "What is... that ... called?"

Ellipsis in noun phrases with possessive case [closed]

If you haven't already watched my first video, there's a link to it in the description below. Ungrammatical? [duplicate]

We have the same car vs we have the same cars [duplicate]

You are in Jonathan’s circles: "too" or "as well" or "also"?

You can have 'it is important to do X'; can you have 'it is urgent to do X'?

In “can hear singing”, is “singing” a verb or a gerund?

Meaning of "little heart" vs. "less heart"? and why

Ungrammatical: "Half the boys jumped, but only a quarter of the girls did."?

Can someone please explain the syntactic rules at work here?

"something inescapably points if ...." or "if something inescapably points to ..."?

Will vs Going to [duplicate]

Have I got a little story for you

How to Punctuate Two Quoted Independent Clauses Within a Declarative Sentence

I want to know how to correctly use me and I or you and I in a sentence [duplicate]

“There need to be” need or needs?

Inversion in English: "In no realm of life has..." [duplicate]