Inversion in English: "In no realm of life has..." [duplicate]

It's grammatical.

Subject-verb inversion is required when preposing a negative adverbial of time, place, or circumstance.

  • At no time did he say that. ~ *At no time he said that.
  • Under no circumstances may she enter. ~ *Under no circumstances she may enter.

It is not allowed, however, when preposing other adverbials.

  • *With no hesitation did he speak up.
  • *With no grace did he accept it.

Only is a negative.

This sounds like a requirements document and "shall statements" are the norm here.

"Shall statements" are usually some form of:

<trigger condition> <subject> shall <verb> <possibly subject to some constraint>

If I were going to rewrite this it would be to: The Company shall do X only in cases where A is B.

The only reason to invert is to draw attention to the constraint clause.