New posts in symmetric-groups

Proving that ${\rm Aut}(S_3)$ is isomorphic to $S_3$

When is $\mathfrak{S}_n \times \mathfrak{S}_m$ a subgroup of $\mathfrak{S}_p$?

How many $\alpha \in S_n$ are such that $\alpha^2 = 1$?

Finding the automorphisms of $S_3$ by looking at the orders of the elements

What do all the $k$-cycles in $S_n$ generate?

Conjugate permutations in $S_n$ and / or $A_n$

What is the mathematical significance of Penrose tiles?

Proof that $S_3$ isomorphic to $D_3$

Low-dimensional Irreducible Representations of $S_n$

The smallest nontrivial conjugacy class in $S_n$

Proving that any permutation in $S_n$ can be written as a product of disjoint cycles

The Weaver Android app $\rightarrow$ cute combinatorics problem

Show that $G/H\cong S_3$

Necessary and Sufficient conditions for $(i \, j)$ and $(1 \, 2 \, \dotsc \, n)$ generate $S_n$.

Normal subgroups of infinite symmetric group

Is there an injective homomorphism between $\mathbb{Z_4} \times \mathbb{Z_4}$ and $S_7$?

How does $(12\dots n)$ and $(a\, b)$ generate $S_n$? [duplicate]

An Example of Outer Automorphism of $S_6$ with order 2?

Proof that no permutation can be expressed both as the product of an even number of transpositions and as a product of an odd number of transpositions

counting the number of elements in a conjugacy class of $S_n$