New posts in suffixes

Why are "indemnify" and "condemn" spelled differently?

Determing the lexical category of a word based on the affixes attached

'Monthly' and 'annual' as descriptors

What's the adjective from 'emit'? [closed]

Why doesn’t the verb “read” have a corresponding noun form suffixed with “‑tion/‑ion/‑sion”?

Is the suffix "-ize" particularly productive in the morphological domain of nouns ending in "-nym"?

Why don't the names of the devices, in which evaporation and condensation occur, have the same ending in English? [duplicate]

Words Similar to the -Smith Suffix [closed]

pattern to predict -ent vs -ant? [duplicate]

Where does the suffix "-ker" come from?

Is "pedantician" a word?

Why "ConvertIBLE" and not "ConvertABLE" [duplicate]

"beginning" is to "prefix" as "end" is to "suffix" as "middle" is to... what?

Is there currently a shift from -nce word endings to -ncy word endings?

What is the adverbial form of “communicational”?

"Consistence" and "consistency"

Why do the names of so many places end in -ia? [closed]

-IZE: unstressed (though strong)

Is it franchiser, or franchisor?