New posts in suffixes

When is it possible to form an adjective ending in "-onian"? Could we say "Marxonian"?

Why is the plural form of piano "pianos" and not "pianoes"?

What is the suffix in indexed math symbols

If a Trinity means 3 in 1, what is 3 in 2, 3 in 3, 3 in N?

Is the suffix "-ette" used for referring to a female?

Eleusian vs. Eleusinian (and, to a lesser extent, Elysian)

Is 'stewer' a proper English word?

What is the origin and meaning of a -yr ending?

Is there any suffix expressing “demand a lot”?

What are the differences between -ist, -ite, and -ian

What's the word for the use of the wrong prefix or suffix?

"Scientific" versus "scientifical"

-actic or -acic?

What is the opposite of -genic?

Can you use the -ly suffix with any noun? e.g "Hotelly" [closed]

What is the difference between "intermediate" and "intermediary" when both mean the same thing? [closed]

Activable or Activatable?

When did "committee" become a collective noun, and why?

Are the adjective "wise" and the suffix "-wise" etymologically related?

Is it true that if you use a preposition and then a verb, it must end with "ing"?