If a Trinity means 3 in 1, what is 3 in 2, 3 in 3, 3 in N?

Piggybacking off this question about words which define an N-in-one entity, I wanted to ask a question about the case for the suffix.

A Trinity is 3-in-1, but what word(s) describe a 3-in-2 entity, a 3-in-3 entity, a 3-in-N entity?

While it's difficult, if not impossible, to prove a negative, I feel fairly confident saying, as High Performance Mark and Greybeard have, that:

No such words exist

And, since this is an English Language & Usage site, I'll add that I feel even more comfortable adding that there are no such words that are common enough that greater than 1% of English speakers would know them.