New posts in suffixes

Is there a suffix in "masquerade"?

Is “extrapolability” an existing english word?

Suffix for an adherent with person's name as root

Is there a name for when a prefix changes its meaning due to being strongly associated to a single word?

"Orthotopic" or "orthotopal"

Are the adjectives "utopic" and "dystopic" correct English words?

Is there any dictionary that decomposes an English word into prefix, root, and suffix?

What is the difference between "poverty" and "poorness"?

-igible, (suffix) [closed]

Calibrate + able = Calibratible? Calibratable?


"Unequivocably" vs. "unequivocally"

How is "burial" incorrectly formed?

Verb for removing from end or beginning [duplicate]

What is the meaning of the suffix "don" in town names such as Wimbeldon, Huntingdon? [closed]

Suffixes to certain words [closed]

Where does the -ive suffix come from in 'restive'?

-ness suffix etymology

Why is it Endodontic (-ic suffix) but Dental (-al suffix)?

Malcolmite and anti-Malcolmite