New posts in suffixes

Nouns to adjectives: "-ous" vs. "-ful"

What is the origin and meaning of the suffix -late, as in "isolate" and "desolate"?

Is "place name + er" ("New Yorker") a productive morpheme? [closed]

Lanthanum vs lanthanium

Why is it "argument" instead of "arguement"?

Is there a word "dramaticness"?

The suffix -hood

What is the meaning of the suffix '-ory' (laboratory, conservatory)?

Why does -istic turn some words negative?

Do Americans leave the ordinal suffix out of dates?

The "-igan" ending

Do other ‘suffix­es’ be­sides “‑ere/‑ence/‑ither” ex­ist for com­pos­ing loca­tive and di­rec­tional ‘ad­verbs’ like “here/hither/hence”?

Why doesn't “astronomy” end with an “s”?

What is the history and meaning of the suffix "-ism"?

When to use -Ites / Ians / Ish / An / Ni / Ese / Elsh / Er [duplicate]

Preciseness and precision

Is the "-ee" suffix changing in meaning?

Joyful vs Joyous

What words frequently collocate with "-wise"? [closed]

Is there an established suffix like -phobia that expresses dislike but not fear? [duplicate]