New posts in stochastic-analysis

Relative entropy for martingale measures

A question involving Lindeberg-Levy CLT

Showing an identity of two uniform distributed random variables by using characteristic functions and the inversion formula

Why is the drift of the stock price not important for options pricing?

Could someone explain rough path theory? More specifically, what is the higher ordered "area process" and what information is it giving us?

How to calculate the jump of $e^{{\rm i}N_ty-\operatorname E[N_t](e^{{\rm i}y}-1)}$ for a Poisson process $N$?

How to show that $dX_{t} = \sqrt{2c\lambda} dB_{t}-\lambda X_{t}dt$ has the following solution

Drawing Balls of Different Colors from an Urn

Why predictable processes?

What is "white noise" and how is it related to the Brownian motion?

Why do we unavoidably (or not) use Riemann integral to define Itô integral?

If $x$ is a càdlàg function and $f$ has compact support, how can we approximate $\sum_{s\in(a,\:b]}f(\Delta x(t))$?

Brownian bridge sde

Is a right-continuous function on a compact space even "uniformly right-continuous"?

Trouble with extending Doob's Optional Stopping Theorem