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Non-Scientific questions solved by mathematics

What is magical about Cartan's magic formula?

How to Improve Mathematical Thinking and General Problem Solving Skills?

Collections of undergraduate research projects [closed]

Is the "product rule" for the boundary of a Cartesian product of closed sets an accident?

Has anyone developed a 'theoretical minimum' for mathematics?

Why is the cartesian product so categorically robust?

Why do we look at morphisms?

Why are homeomorphisms important?

An invitation to differential geometry?

Real world uses of Quaternions?

Exploring $ \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{n^p}{n!} = B_pe$, particularly $p = 2$.

Why does "convex function" mean "concave *up*"?

Why doesn't a Taylor series converge always?

Are We Teaching Pre-Calc Wrong?

Can you recommend a decent online or software calculator?

What can we learn about a group by studying its monoid of subsets?

What to do after a Master's Degree in Pure Mathematics? [closed]

Can a function be increasing *at a point*?

Why do we believe the Church-Turing Thesis?