New posts in soft-question

When is a function a dimension?

Prerequisites for understanding G.H. Hardy's 'Divergent Series'

Books Preparatory for Putnam Exam

Mathematical Telescoping

How to fill gaps in my math knowledge?

Abstract Algebra book with exercise solutions recommendations.

Are vectors and covectors the same thing?

Elementary number theory - prerequisites

Simply Explain the General Number Field Sieve

Intuition for the Product of Vector and Matrices: $x^TAx $

When learning mathematics should one prove everything one learns?

Which books would you recommend about Recreational Mathematics?

Recommend books for learning math from elementary school?

A very tricky pseudo-proof of $0=-1$ through series and integrals

Local vs. global in the definition of a sheaf

How to start learning knot theory?

Is indefinite integration largely a heuristic or it can be mechanical too?

Can there be a symbol for continuous product? [closed]

What is combinatorial homotopy theory?

Advantages to learning Sage? [closed]