New posts in soft-question

Theoretical Question Basketball

When the mathematical community consider the inclusion of a new axiom?.

How do you go about formalizing a concept?

$\wedge,\cap$ and $\vee,\cup$ between Logic and Set Theory always interchangeable?

Is uniform continuity related to the rate of change of the function?

Different ways to factor

Prerequisites for studying Hodge theory and the Hodge conjecture

What is the significance of limit points?

Am I missing out by not knowing another language?

Applications of Geometry to Computer Science

Reference request: books that describe application of physical reasoning to mathematical problems

Probabilistic techniques, methods, and ideas in ("undergraduate") real analysis

How does one interpret statements like: "The traveling salesman problem is NP-complete?"

Is it a good idea to create a math blog on Wordpress? [closed]

Where to go with Mathematics?

Old French papers which haven't been translated into English

How can I explain the seven Millennium Prize Problems to a layman?

Better Notation for Partial Derivatives

Natural class of functions whose $\mathcal O$-sets are linearly ordered

Order in writing composed morphisms