New posts in setuid

Cannot write to CIFS share as non-root user - CentOS 6

Linux 2.6.32 Centos 6.4 setuid() fail / security changes?

How do you run a PHP script as the file's owner, rather than as the webserver user?

How can I use SetUID on a shell script to run as a non-root user?

Run child processes as different user from a long running Python process

Sending kill signal using a setuid process results in Operation not permitted

Calling a script from a setuid root C program - script does not run as root

Why strace sudo command bombs when sudo command works?

Allow user to execute a shell script without seeing its contents?

Why does ping require the setuid bit?

sudo or acl or setuid/setgid?

sudo: must be setuid root (Mac OS X)

How to run a program as root without "sudo"?

Set uid for windows

Why is chroot system call not available to non root user?

(Ubuntu) setuid bash doesn't work

Mapping UIDs for NFS

What is the meaning of using EUID?If RUID and EUID of a process is 1000, 0 and if we run any command the command is run as 1000 priviledge level,why?

Can I make a script always execute as root?

Running upstart jobs as unprivileged users