Sending kill signal using a setuid process results in Operation not permitted

Solution 1:

Linux ignores setuid bit on scripts/interpreted executables (the ones that start with #!) for the reasons of security.

As a kind of hacky solution you can try to compile a simple binary out of your script using and setuid it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neurobin/ppa
sudo apt-get install shc

shc -f my_promhup_script -o promhup
sudo mv promhup /usr/bin/

Although I'd rather go for the sudo option - that's what it was designed for.


For the sudo option, you can add something like this to your sudoers:

gitlab-runner ALL = (ALL) ALL
gitlab-runner ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/promhup

this will make your sudo not ask password only for your script, while asking it for the others
