New posts in raspberry-pi

dd - just copy partitions

Remote access to computer using external device

Permission Denied on my raspberry pi transmission

Run sudo apt-get install without internet connection

Docker-compose: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose : line 1: Not: command not found

How much space does Raspbian use?

Writing a systemd script that starts 2 applications in linux

openvpn on raspberry pi (pivpn): connects but unusably slow

I can't ssh to Raspberry Pi, even if I created empty ssh file

Using a Raspberry Pi as a VPN?

Does the Raspberry Pi 2 put USB external drives to sleep when not in use for a while?

cant use apt-update anymore

rfkill command not found

SFTP permissions issue for a user

Raspberry pi only allocate 9GB to /dev/root where more to other partitions

Error Putty X11 proxy: Authorisation not recognised

raspberry TTL printer USB not able to connect

Raspberry pi, (cannot open shared object file) error

ImportError: No module named 'scipy._lib'

hcitool lescan shows I/O error