New posts in research

Was the Shark frightening to 16th / 17th-century English speakers?

Visual research problems in geometry

Errors in math research papers [duplicate]

Can a chemical engineer become a self-taught mathematician? [closed]

Best source for origins of expressions and idioms? [closed]

What are some good sites for researching etymology?

Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer's disease? [closed]

How can a high schooler get more involved in mathematics?

How do you know when trying to find a proof/counterexample isn't worth it?

What is a 17th-century affectionate term for "Mother"?

Research in differential geometry

Book ref. request: "...starting from a mathematically amorphous problem and combining ideas from sources to produce new mathematics..."

Deciphering two words from their Archaic spellings

Is "research" as a countable noun actually used by native speakers?

For $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ the sides of a quadrilateral, show $ab^2(b-c)+bc^2(c-d)+cd^2(d-a)+da^2(a-b)\ge 0$. (A generalization of IMO 1983 problem 6)

What to answer when people ask what I do in mathematics

Is it normal to treat Math Theorems as "Black Boxes"

Why do mathematicians sometimes assume famous conjectures in their research?

Etymology of "fairy"

How do you describe your mathematical research in layman's terms?