New posts in recreational-mathematics

Which vertex-transitive planar graphs represent non-self-intersecting polyhedra?

Why is there a unique solution to the frog puzzle?

How to find the error in a proof? (that $1=0$)

Choosing points in fractions of the unit interval

Expected Ratio of Coin Flips

Is 39 moves the longest a chess game can go moving only pawns?

New Year Maths 2016: $\sum_{r=3}^{\; 3^2}r^3=2016$

Is there a smooth, preferably analytic function that grows faster than any function in the sequence $e^x, e^{e^x}, e^{e^{e^x}}...$

Contemporary Mathematical Columns in Magazines

What is the Probability that a Knight stays on chessboard after N hops?

Fun math for young, bored kids?

How many valid mazes of some size are there?

Any way to solve this right angle triangle problem without trig? [duplicate]

Minimally inconsistent Sudoku puzzle

How to prove that it is possible to make rhombuses with any number of interior points?

Simplest discrete interactable universe

Triangles defined on an infinite Go board by same-colored stones

Is $\sum_{k=1}^{n} k^k / \sum_{k=1}^{n} k \in \mathbb{N}$ for some $n > 1$?

Mathematical Quine

Escaping from a circle of fat lions.