Why is there a unique solution to the frog puzzle?

Solution 1:

I have been unable to come up with anything resembling a formal proof, but I have noticed several things that may help someone do so.

  • At each step, you must choose between moving a frog of color $A$ or color $B$. (Fairly obvious, I know, but two frogs of the same color are never both moveable.)

Therefore, let $a$ denote moving the only moveable frog of color $A$ (moving to the right), and let $b$ denote moving the only moveable frog of color $B$ (moving to the left).

  • The number of total moves used in any solution is fixed, and equals $mn + m+n$
  • There are exactly $2$ solutions to any frog problem, as the OP noted
  • If, at any point, two frogs of the same color are in adjacent positions, there is a frog of the other color ahead of them, and the open lilypad is behind them, you have lost.

    • Losing case #1: ... $A$ ... $BB$ ... $\_$ ...
    • Losing case #2: ... $\_$ ... $AA$ ... $B$ ...
  • Using this, it's impossible to ever move $aa$ (if there is a $B$ frog to the right), unless one of the $A$ frogs jumps a $B$ frog.

    • For example, you cannot start the game with $aa$ or $bb$.
    • If you start with $a$, your next move must be $b$. You can do $b$ or $bb$, but $bbb$ would result in the (losing case #1) arrangement $AAA$ ... $BABB\_$ ... $BBB$.
  • Extending this, if you have moved $k$ of your $A$-colored frogs, there are at most $k$ jumps possible for the $B$ frogs, and you cannot make more than $(k+1)$ $b$-type moves consecutively.

  • Stepping through the game case by case, it's pretty easy to manually show that there's one possible choice for the next sequence of moves. (I have no proof for this, but I have not yet found a counterexample).

    • Start: (due to symmetry, two possible moves) \begin{gather} A...AA\_BB...B\\ aa = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{lose}\\ ab = \mathrm{okay}\\ ba = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}
    • Suppose we chose to move $ab$ \begin{gather} A...ABA\_B...B\\ aa = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{lose}\\ ab = \mathrm{lose}\\ ba = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}
    • We have now moved $abba$ \begin{gather} A...AAB\_BA...B\\ b = \mathrm{lose}\\ aaa = \mathrm{lose}\\ aab = \mathrm{okay}\\ aba = \mathrm{lose}\\ abb = \mathrm{lose} \end{gather}
    • We have now moved $abbaaab$ \begin{gather} A...BA\_ABA...B\\ a = \mathrm{lose}\\ ba = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}

You get the idea by now, but it shouldn't be too difficult to write an automated prover for small $m$ and $n$.

  • Various Example Solutions:
    • $3$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaabba$
    • $4$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaabbbaab$
    • $5$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaabba$
    • $6$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaaabbbaab$
    • $7$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaaaabbbaaabba$

Solution 2:

When there is only one empty pad, Tim510's answer can be improved into an automatic algorithm predicting the (unique) next step from only looking two positions from the spare pad, left and right. I'll change his notation a little bit, denoting $R$ed frogs by $R$, $B$lue frogs by $B$ and the $S$pare lily pad by $S$.

For convenience, we can add two blue frogs on the left and two red frogs on the right, (as though they were "already successfully placed" from a challenge with more frogs) this way there will always be at least two characters left and right to S.

As noticed by Tim510, the patterns $RBB(...)S$, $S(...)RRB$ cannot appear at any time in any solution. In particular, $RBBS$ and $SRRB$ are forbidden subwords. It follows that $RBSRB$ is also a forbidden subword, since it leads in one move to either of the two forbidden subwords above. Here goes our algorithm :

$$ \begin{array}{rclcl} RR & S & RR &:& \text{unreachable state} \\ RR & S & RB &\to& RRBRS \\ RR & S & BR &\to& RSRBR \text{ ( nontrivial case, see explanation below )} \\ RR & S & BB &:& \text{initial state, choose } RSRBB \text{ or } RRBSB \\ & & & & \\ RB & S & RR &\to& SBRRR \\ RB & S & RB &:& \text{forbidden state} \\ RB & S & BR &\to& SBRBR \\ RB & S & BB &\to& SBRBB \\ & & & & \\ BR & S & RR &\to& BSRRR \\ BR & S & RB &\to &BRBRS \\ BR & S & BR &:& \text{unreachable state} \\ BR & S & BB &\to& BRBSB \text{ ( nontrivial case, see explanation below )} \\ & & & & \\ BB & S & RR &:& \text{final state} \\ BB & S & RB &\to& BBBRS \\ BB & S & BR &\to& BBBSR \\ BB & S & BB &:& \text{unreachable state} \\ \end{array} $$

Explanation on the nontrivial cases. The reader might wonder why we wrote $RRSBR \to RSRBR$, since (a priori) nothing in our rules prohibits us from doing $RRSBR \to RRBSR$. If we look at the entries in our algorithm, we see that an $RRSBR$ state can only come from one of

$$ \begin{array}{rclcl} RRRB & S & RR &\to& RRSBRRR \\ RRRB & S & BR &\to& RRSBRBR \\ RRRB & S & BB &\to& RRSBRBB \\ \end{array} $$

In the last two cases, the forbidden subword $RBSRB$ leaves us no choice as to the next move. And the first case is in fact unreachable, since it is easy to show by induction that any subword of the form $R^{x}BSR^{y}$ or $R^{x}SBR^{y}$ with $x,y\geq 2$ is unreachable.

The other nontrivial case is explained similarly.

Solution 3:

Let red and blue flog, $1$ and $2$, and empty pad is $0$, at first we move every $1$s left.


$→00・・・011・・・1022・・・2\tag 1$

Now, we prove [$11・・・1022・・・2$] can be [$01212・・・12$].

One previous step is $10212・・・12$. We move every $1$s left, $$11212・・・121202$$ Next, move every $2$s right, $$11「01212・・・1212」22$$ Since $「」$ is same with first sequence, repeating this operation, then we get first term $(1)$ [$11・・・1022・・・2$]. Therefore we could say the question has definitely one solution.

Also If one frog can jump same color, it generates a sequence $1220$ or $0112$. These cases can never go advance anymore. About bonus question, I think it become recurrence sequence, though.

If the numbers of red and blue frogs and empty pad are $n,m,l$, numbers of jump move is $nm$, side move is $l(n+m)$. Because left frogs meet right flog $nm$ times. I got this by a bit borrowing from a Japanese site.