New posts in smooth-functions

Fourier coefficients of smooth functions behave like Schwartz functions? [duplicate]

If $f(x)$ is smooth and odd, must $f(x)/x$ be smooth?

Milnor fundamental theorem of algebra : proof that $f: S^2 \rightarrow S^2$ is smooth

How is the directional derivative used to determine the tangent map?

Can a function be smooth at a single point?

Does little Bézout theorem hold for smooth functions?

Constant Rank Theorem for Manifolds with Boundary

How to prove that a left-invariant metric on a Lie group is smooth?

Show this function defined on a smooth manifold is (not) smooth

Upper bound: Given $L$-smooth convex $f$; $( y- x)^T \left( \nabla f(z)-\nabla f(x)\right)\leq(L/2) ( \| x-z\|^2+\| x-y\|^2+\| z-y\|^2)$?

$f: \mathbb{R^2} \to \mathbb{R}$ a $C^\infty$ function such that $f(x,0)=f(0,y)=0$ then exists $g$ such that $f(x,y)=xy\, g(x,y)$

A smooth $Q \in \mathbb R^N \to \mathbb R$ close to, but strictly below min

How to proof that smooth function vanishing on xy-coordinates cross must be of form $xyg$?

Image of a submanifold under a smooth surjective map

Is there a smooth, preferably analytic function that grows faster than any function in the sequence $e^x, e^{e^x}, e^{e^{e^x}}...$