Choosing points in fractions of the unit interval

How long a series of points in (0,1) can be chosen such that the first two are in different halves, the first three are in different thirds, ... the first $n$ are in different $n^{\text{th}}$s? My first try of $(0+,1-,\frac{1}{2}-,\frac{3}{4}-, \frac{1}{5}+,\frac{5}{8}-,\frac{1}{3}-,\frac{7}{8}-,\frac{1}{3}+)$ works through $9$, but there are two points in $(0.3,0.4)$. The plus and minus signs indicate a shift of some distance away from the given point small enough not to move over any fraction of interest.

An answer is asserted but not proved at the following URL: