New posts in random-variables

Sum of $N$ uniform random variables where $N$ has geometric distribution

Transformation of random variable using CDF not making sense?

What does "identically distributed" mean? [closed]

Conditional probability exercise is my reasoning here correct?

Why "One cannot construct more than countably many independent random variables"?

Density of the sum of $n$ uniform(0,1) distributed random variables

Prove variance in Uniform distribution (continuous)

The sum of $n$ independent normal random variables.

Confusion in sample space.

Independence of Gaussian variables

Sufficient condition for convergence in mean

Showing that there do not exist uncountably many independent, non-constant random variables on $ ([0,1],\mathcal{B},\lambda) $.

Sum of exponential random variable with different means

$X_1,X_2$ iid standard normal with polar coordinates r and p. Are r and p independent?

Fixed points in random permutation [closed]

Is it correct to say that ($\color{red}{(} \limsup |W_k|/k\color{red}{)} \le 1) \supseteq \limsup \color{red}{(}|W_k|/k \le 1\color{red}{)}$?

What's Wrong With My Calculation of $E[X]$?

Jensen's Inequality (with probability one)

What does it mean to be in the same probability space?

Example of 2 random variables s.t. $(X+Y)$ ~ $U(0,2)$