New posts in random-variables

Computing the Expectation of the Square of a Random Variable: $ \text{E}[X^{2}] $.

Affine transformation applied to a multivariate Gaussian random variable - what is the mean vector and covariance matrix of the new variable?

Find PDF of $Y = |X|$ if $X$ is a random variable following the normal distribution

For a cdf, $F(F^{-1}(u)) \geq u$ and $F^{-1}(F(x)) \leq x$. When does strict inequality apply?

Sum of squares of dependent Gaussian random variables

Generate Correlated Normal Random Variables

Difference of two binomial random variables

Expectation of random variables ratio

Discarding random variables in favor of a domain-less definition?

$X \sim$ Uniform$(0, 1)$ and $Y\sim$ Uniform$(0, 1)$ compute $P(X+Y\ge0.5)$

How to compute the sum of random variables of geometric distribution

Sum of Uncorrelated Centered Random Variables

What does it mean to integrate with respect to the distribution function?

Is the limit $x \to - \infty$ of the cumulative distribution function always equal to $0$?

Colliding Bullets

Summing (0,1) uniform random variables up to 1 [duplicate]

What is the probability that $X$ is located closer to $Y$ than to $0$?

Find the Mean for Non-Negative Integer-Valued Random Variable

What is the difference and relationship between the binomial and Bernoulli distributions?

Realization vs Random Variables in Formulae