New posts in random-variables

Expectation of the min of two independent random variables?

The product of a normal and Rademacher variables, independent from each other

If $Var(X)=0$ then is $X$ a constant?

Is there a *simple* example showing that uncorrelated random variables need not be independent?

Uncorrelated but not independent random variables

Show that $E(X)=\int_{0}^{\infty}P(X\ge x)\,dx$ for non-negative random variable $X$

Mean and variance of Squared Gaussian: $Y=X^2$ where: $X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$?

Could my simple iterative algorithm for generating random numbers be favouring digits of value 0?

Why is the roll of a die considered random?

Understanding proof that $P(X=0) \leq \frac{Var(X)}{E(X^2)}$

density of $X^2$ when $X$ has uniform $[-1, 2]$ distribution

"Random" generation of rotation matrices

how to derive the mean and variance of a Gaussian Random variable?

Cutting out a circle using circles

Correlated joint normal distribution: calculating a probability

Variance of geometric distribution without replacement

Bounds on difference of expectations vs expectation of difference

Sum of two independent binomial variables

What does the value of a probability density function (PDF) at some x indicate?

Does this summation $ \sum_{x=a}^b \frac{p(1-p)^x}{(1-p)^a-(1-p)^b} $ equal 1?