New posts in quadratics

Quadratic equation and inequality of solution

Find all values ​of $b$ for which the equation has a unique solution.

Probability for roots of quadratic equation to be real, with coefficients being dice rolls.

What do cones have to do with quadratics? Why is $2$ special?

Why can we prove mathematically that a formula to solve an (n+5) order polynomial does not exist?

Is one of the roots of a linear equation $\infty$?

Steepest descent (gradient method) for quadratic function

Finding probability that an equation has real roots when two numbers are chosen from a uniform distribution

How to get the correct angle of the ellipse after approximation

Why does the discriminant in the Quadratic Formula reveal the number of real solutions?

Why does an exponential function eventually get bigger than a quadratic

A "new" general formula for the quadratic equation?

Why do I get one extra wrong solution when solving $2-x=-\sqrt{x}$?

How to straighten a parabola?

Solving a homogeneous quadratic equation in three variables over the integers.

Solving $\tan(x) = \cos(x)$

Find the solutions of the equation $z^2+2z+1-i=0$ in the form$ z=p+iq$

Drawing two perpendicular tangent line from the origin to $y=x^2-2x+a$

Probability that a quadratic polynomial with random coefficients has real roots

Find the values of $b$ for which the equation $2\log_{\frac{1}{25}}(bx+28)=-\log_5(12-4x-x^2)$ has only one solution