New posts in pytest

Pytest / Django: How to change a decorator that is defined during build time? warning: No data was collected. (no-data-collected)

Is there a way to control how pytest-xdist runs tests in parallel?

Stop pytest right at the start if condition not met

How to keep Unit tests and Integrations tests separate in pytest

parameterized test with cartesian product of arguments in pytest

Testing class methods with pytest

pytest how to parameterize part of a config to each test?

How to read and send CSV column data to PyTest test cases

Grouping tests in pytest: Classes vs plain functions

How can I limit the maximum running time for a unit test?

Best way to override FastAPI dependencies for testing with a different dependency for each test

how to share a variable across modules for all tests in py.test

Selenium - visibility_of_element_located: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

ModuleNotFoundError with pytest

Bitbucket pipeline cannot find the file in the test folder: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2]

Is Python 3.9.6 compatible with pytest 6.2.5?

Mock/Monkeypatch BeautifulSoup html objects for Pytest

How to mock up one method in a module other than mock up the whole module

List available tests with py.test