warning: No data was collected. (no-data-collected)

coverage (used by pytest-cov) needs the tests folder to contain an before it will collect any data.

I added to the tests folder and then coverage collected the data as expected.

Refer to

I had the same issue and the problem was with the path I was running the tests.

What is working now:


├── tests
├── src
│   ├── app_one
├── .coveragerc


~/Projects/ProjectName$ coverage run test

and my .coveragerc:

include = */src/*
omit = *migrations*, *tests*
plugins = django_coverage_plugin

The problem is that you're not specifying which dir to get coverage from.

You can specify that in the .coveragerc file or on the command line:

pytest tests -v --cov-report term --cov-report html:htmlcov --cov-report xml --cov-fail-under=90 --cov=<the-dir-to-colect-coverage-from>

If you desire you can only execute pytest tests and add pytest args on pytest.ini at your project root:

addopts = -v --cov-report term --cov-report html:htmlcov --cov-report xml --cov-fail-under=<coverage-percentage-desired> --cov=<the-dir-to-colect-coverage-from>


If you want to omit files from the coverage you can add a .coveragerc file on your project root:

omit =
    # omit everything in the folder
    # omit file

Requirements: On these examples I'm using requirements: pytest==4.6.2 and pytest-cov==2.7.1

I had the same issue and the above answers did not fully solve it. It turns out you need to have was in every subdirectory that has a test.