Testing class methods with pytest

All you need to do to test a class method is instantiate that class, and call the method on that instance:

def test_action(self):
    sc = SuperCool()
    assert sc.action(1) == 1

Well, one way is to just create your object within the test method and interact with it from there:

def test_action(self, x):
    o = SuperCool()
    assert o.action(2) == 4

You can apparently use something like the classic setup and teardown style unittest using the methods here: http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/xunit_setup.html

I'm not 100% sure on how they are used because the documentation for pytest is terrible.

Edit: yeah so apparently if you do something like

class TestSuperCool():
    def setup(self):
        self.sc = SuperCool()


    # test using self.sc down here

I would use any fixtures only to create test environment (like database connection) or data parametrization.

If your data is relatively trivial, you can define it inside the testcase:

def test_action_without_fixtures():
    sc = SuperCool()
    sc.element = 'snow'
    assert sc.element == 'water'

Example with parametrization:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("element, expected", [('snow', 'water'), ('tin', 'solder')])
def test_action_with_parametrization(element, expected):
    sc = SuperCool()
    sc.element = element
    assert sc.element == expected