Detecting if a browser is in full screen mode

Is there any way of reliably detecting if a browser is running in full screen mode? I'm pretty sure there isn't any browser API I can query, but has anyone worked it out by inspecting and comparing certain height/width measurements exposed by the DOM? Even if it only works for certain browsers I'm interested in hearing about it.

Solution 1:

Chrome 15, Firefox 10, and Safari 5.1 now provide APIs to programmatically trigger fullscreen mode. Fullscreen mode triggered this way provides events to detect fullscreen changes and CSS pseudo-classes for styling fullscreen elements.

See this blog post for details.

Solution 2:

What about determining the distance between the viewport width and the resolution width and likewise for height. If it is a small amount of pixels (especially for height) it may be at fullscreen.

However, this will never be reliable.

Solution 3:

Opera treats full screen as a different CSS media type. They call it Opera Show, and you can control it yourself easily:

@media projection {
  /* these rules only apply in full screen mode */

Combined with Opera@USB, I've personally found it extremely handy.

Solution 4:

You can check if document.fullscreenElement is not null to determine if fullscreen mode is on. You'll need to vendor prefix fullscreenElement accordingly. I would use something like this:

var fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; has a good example for this which I quote below:

document.addEventListener("fullscreenChange", function () {
          if (fullscreenElement != null) {
    "Went full screen");
          } else {
    "Exited full screen");              

Solution 5:

Firefox 3+ provides a non-standard property on the window object that reports whether the browser is in full screen mode or not: window.fullScreen.