ModuleNotFoundError with pytest

Solution 1:

Solution: use the PYTHONPATH env. var


As mentioned by @J_H, you need to explicitly add the root directory of your project, since pytest only adds to sys.path directories where test files are (which is why @Mak2006's answer worked.)

Good practice: use a Makefile or some other automation tool

If you do not want to type that long command all the time, one option is to create a Makefile in your project's root dir with, e.g., the following:

.PHONY: test
    PYTHONPATH=. pytest

Which allows you to simply run:

make test

Another common alternative is to use some standard testing tool, such as tox.

Solution 2:

Not sure if this solution was specific to my problem, but I simply add to my tests folder and that solved the problem.

Solution 3:

Be sure to include . dot in the $PYTHONPATH env var.

Use $ python -m site, or this code fragment to debug such issues:

import pprint
import sys

Your question managed to use myproject at three different levels. At least during debugging you might want to use three distinct names, to reduce possible confusion.