New posts in propositional-calculus

Prove XOR is commutative and associative?

What is the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions?

Associativity of $\iff$

Is it possible for the DNF and CNF to be the same

How to show a statement of the form $p\Leftrightarrow(q\wedge r)$?

Can $\neg p \implies p$ be true?

Logic - What does ∴ mean in a truth table?

proving logical equivalence $(P \leftrightarrow Q) \equiv (P \wedge Q) \vee (\neg P \wedge \neg Q)$

Associativity of logical connectives

How to tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow(r\wedge p))$ apart?

Propositional Logic - Can you Derive $C \to A$ from $A$ alone, given the introduction rule?

Valid form and true premises makes an argument sound, but do 'premises' mean P, Q, R,... or 'what comprises the antecedent'?

Do De Morgan's laws hold in propositional intuitionistic logic?

Why aren't vacuous truths just undefined? [duplicate]

Find the mistake of the reasoning

Is a formal language an algebraic structure?

Why isn’t ‘because’ a logical connective in propositional logic?

All prime numbers are either even or odd, Is it a true statement?

Prove $( \lnot C \implies \lnot B) \implies (B \implies C)$ without the Deduction Theorem

How do I make proofs with long formulae more readable without sacrificing clarity?