How to tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow(r\wedge p))$ apart?

I am having some trouble figuring out if the statement needs to be of the form \begin{gather} p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r) \tag1\end{gather} or of the form \begin{gather} q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)\tag2\end{gather}

Further, suppose that I can show (or know) that \begin{gather} \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q}\quad\text{ (i.e., }q\Rightarrow p\text{)}\tag{*}\end{gather} Can I then rely on this fact to conclude that my statement is of the following form? \begin{gather} q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)\tag2\end{gather}

Here are the relevant facts ($\models$ means logically implies): \begin{align} q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r) \quad&\models\quad \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q}\\ p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r) \quad&\not\models\quad \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q}\\ \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q} \quad&\not\models\quad \Big(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r) \quad\text{or}\quad q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r) \Big)\\ \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q} \quad&\models\quad \Big(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r) \quad\equiv\quad q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r) \Big). \end{align}

(The brute-force way to verify these four claims is to replace each entailment or non-entailment symbol with $\to,$ then use a truth table to check whether the conditional is a tautology.)


  • $(*)$ is a necessary condition for statement $(2).$
  • However, $(*)$ is a sufficient condition for neither statement $(1)$ nor statement $(2).$
  • Fortunately, given that $(*)$ is true, statements $(1)$ and $(2)$ are equivalent to each other (i.e., they are both true or both false).

More generally, I guess that my question is: how to tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow (r\wedge p))$ apart?

Your truth table reveals that for the valuation $(p,q,r)=(F,T,T),$ statement $(1)$ is true whereas statement $(2)$ is false.